Posted on by Kathy Sollars
It was with great excitement that I embarked on my first country trip for 2022. Lockdown had certainly prevented this during 2020 and 2021 and I did not realize how much I missed visiting my amazing rural clubs.
Leaving Sydney at 5.00am, my first stop was Leeton Soldiers Club to see how the installation went late last year. Let’s just say, I was impressed, the fabrics that the management team of Leeton and myself had chosen were perfect for the design provided by Curtin Architects.

Next stop was Mulwala Water Ski Club, where I laid my head in one of their comfortable Motel rooms. It had been a long hot day in the Nufurn Honda Jazz
Up early to meet with Chris and the management team to discuss fabrics for the new Bayside chairs for their lounge, after much input from staff, colours where chosen. A few quick photos of their restaurant where we had installed tables and San Pedro chairs last year, I was on the road again to Albury.

I was honored to meet Verity from Verity Rhodes Interiors at Albury Commercial Club, Verity has been slowly transforming the club for the last two years. Taking the traditional fixtures and adding a modern feel, she is doing amazing work. I can’t wait to see the finished results

Heading home, I made the best discovery – My Jazz steering wheel can hold 5 Malteasers

Till next time
Kathy Sollars
Queens of Clubs